Shrubby Foothill Forest (EVC 45)

Occurs on moderately fertile clay soils derived from shale and sandstone towards the top of the Great Dividing Range at higher elevations (500-900m above sea level) and rainfall zones (750-1200mm). In wetter areas it may occur on all slopes and aspects, but in drier areas it is restricted to sheltered slopes and gullies.

The overstorey is a medium to tall forest often dominated by Messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua) and Narrow-leaf Peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata). Candlebark (Eucalyptus rubida), Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and Mountain Gum (Eucalyptus dalrympleana) may also be present, and dominate some areas. Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) often occurs as an understorey tree.

The groundflora tends to be sparse and species diversity is low. Common species include Spiny-headed Mat-rush (Lomandra longifolia spp. longifolia), Ivy-leaf Violet (Viola hederacea), Mountain Clematis (Clematis aristata) and Common Raspwort (Gonocarpus tetragynus). Red-fruited Saw-sedge (Gahnia sieberiana) may also be present. Forest Wire-grass (Tetrahena juncea) and Austral Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) are also common and may dominate in response to disturbance.

This vegetation community has a long history of intense and repeated logging, resulting in reduced species diversity.