Rushes, Sedges and Aquatics

NameCommon nameAbundance
Carex appressaTall SedgeRelatively common
Carex breviculmisShort-stem SedgeNot common
Carex polyanthaSedgeNot common
Caustis flexuosaCurly WigNot common
Cyperus lucidusLeafy Flat-sedgeNot common
Empodisma minusSpreading Rope-rushNot common
Gahnia mirostachyaSlender Saw-sedgeRare
Gahnia radulaThatch Saw-sedgeNot common
Gahnia sieberianaRed-fruit Saw-sedgeCommon damp and wetter areas
Gahnia ssp.Saw-sedgeNot common
Isolepsis inundataSwamp Club-sedgeNot common
Juncus australisAustral RushNot common
Juncus continusRush 
Juncus gregiflorusGreen RushNot common
Juncus holoschoenusJoint-leaf RushNot common
Juncus pauciflorusLoose Flower-rushNot common
Juncus procerusTall RushNot common
Juncus spp.RushNot common
Juncus subsecundusTall RushNot common
Lepidosperma elatiusTall Sword-sedgeRelatively common
Lepidosperma filiformeCommon Rapier-sedgeNot common
Lepidosperma lateraleVariable Sword-sedgeRelatively common
Lepidosperma tortuosumTortuous Rapier-sedgeHeathy forest, regionally significant
Lomandra filiformisWattle Mat-rushCommon
Lomandra longifoliaSpiny-headed Mat-rushVery common
Lomandra micrantha ssp. tuberculataSmall-flower Mat-rushNot common
Luzula meridionalisCommon WoodrushNot common
Luzula meridionalis ssp.flaccidaCommon WoodrushCommon
Luzula meridionalis ssp. meridionalisCommon WoodrushNot common
Luzula ovataOval WoodrushRegionally significant. Recorded at Lyonville
Myriophyllum crispatumUpright Water MilfoilNot common
Schoenus apogonCommon Bog-sedge 
Schoenus maschalinusLeafy Bog-sedgeNot common
Schoenus tesquorumSoft Bog-sedgeRegionally significant, recorded at Lyonville
Triglochin proceraWater RibbonsWetland areas
Xanthorrhoea australisGrass TreeEastern end of Wombat near Clear Water Creek